

Najnowsze artykuły:

Skórzana kurtka to absolutny klasyk i jedna z najpewniejszych modowych inwestycji - każdy sezon przynosi jednak ze sobą lekkie modyfikacje. Najmodniejszy model na 2024 rok z pewnością ucieszy fanki gr ...

Kolejna odsłona targów vintage odbywa się w Galerii Krakowskich Szkół Artystycznych w Galerii Bronowice w Krakowie. Entuzjaści mody mają szansę upolować prawdziwe perełki z drugiej ręki oraz odświeżyć ...

Styl vintage lub vintage revival to ciekawy trend w aranżacji wnętrz, który czerpie inspirację ze stylów minionych epok. Charakteryzuje się on połączeniem elementów retro z nowoczesnymi akcentami, ...

One trend is vintage clothing, which is coming back due to the pandemic, social media and a resurgence of trying to be environmentally friendly. Fast fashion has been created so individuals can ...

Vintage clothing shops are ideal destinations for those who desire to differentiate their style from the crowd. These stores are havens of nostalgia, offering timeless apparel that can enhance ...

Nashville Vintage Clothing and Jewelry Show will be the newest part of "Antiques Week in Nashville". NVCJ will join two other long running antiques events, The Nashville Show and Fiddlers at the ...

“As far as like the journey to get to selling the vintage clothing,” Kennedy said. “It’s been you know… as far as my passion in… you know sneakers and clothing wear ...

Secondhand shopping has become an increasingly popular choice for the fashion-conscious and eco-minded alike. The allure of scoring unique pieces, the thrill of the hunt, and the ethical advantages of ...

It was very unusual for any great portraitist not to be aware of the clothes of their sitter, and anyone who could portray silk, satin, velvet, and gold trims, or even highly decorative lace was ...

obviously vintage mid-rise flared jeans, and retro-sneakers (with velcro!) that made the trend fully irresistible. There was a sense that we as spectators wanted to both wear the clothes on the ...

The intentionally inclusive vintage clothing and homegoods shop moved from its space within Adeline Inc. Salon to the former Legacy Glassworks location. Isabella Taylor, owner of the Rainbow Room ...

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